Saturday, May 30, 2009


Connor loves apples. Last week he ate right through to the core of his apple and possibly ate a seed or two. I had been looking forward to composting his core but there was nothing left when he was finished!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Just Hangin Out...

He KNEW that flash was coming! He he! Love the lashes!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother's Day...

I asked for a compost bin. That's right - a homemade compost bin! We throw so many newspapers, banana peels, egg shells, and tea bags away in this house that I knew there was a better use for all of it besides the regular old trash. These are all great items for making compost. After doing some research, we had some simple instructions and Keith and Connor got started. Connor loved helping Daddy put it together.

After it was finished, we started collecting leaves around the yard.

We gathered some shredded newspapers and threw them in too.

We then decided we needed a break so we went next door and jumped on the trampoline for a bit!

It was a GREAT day!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


We went to Turtlefest a couple of weeks ago. It's held at a park around the corner from us. The local museums and wildlife experts do a great job of showcasing turtles and their habitats. At first Connor was unsure about touching the real turtle but he was very excited to touch the stuffed one!

All in all, it was a very educational and entertaining day!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Birthday Celebrations...

We had such fun celebrating Connor's 2nd birthday. The weekend before his birthday we went to the North Carolina Museum of Trains. Connor loves trains so you can imagine his excitement at seeing a huge electric train set up in the middle of a field. We watched the trains go around the track for awhile then headed over to the train for the hour-long ride we would be taking.

Both Connor and Andrew had a blast hanging out the 'windows' and watching the scenery go by!

On the day of his birthday, Connor woke up from his nap and opened the mail. He was so excited to find birthday cards!

He was SO excited about his cards that he wanted to hang them up on our front door.

Then, he wanted some alone time so he could read the cards himself.

That night we had cake - carrot cake with cream cheese icing. Yum!

Then, he opened his gifts!

He loved them!

During the festivities, Tayza was banished outside and Andrew looked on longingly...

Happy 2nd Birthday Connor!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Andrew's Milestones Recap...

Before we left for the Dominican, Andrew was rolling all over the place. He was so excited about his new found freedom. He would roll himself all over the house, checking everything out. It was fun to watch!

In the Dominican, the hotel room's floors were marble and not so comfortable to roll on. Usually if we had to put him down on the floor he would stay in a push up position for awhile because the floor was cold on his tummy. By the end of the week, he learned how to push himself up to a sitting position from his belly.

The day after we got home, Andrew was crawling. A week later I found him trying to go up the stairs.
That week we also found him standing up in his crib and he now likes to pull himself up on other random things throughout the house.

Last weekend, we finally, FINALLY have a tooth!

What a big boy!