Wednesday, November 11, 2009

School Pictures...

The first two were taken in September when the Sheriff visited. The next two were taken at the Pumpkin Patch in October. I've learned he's quite the popular kid in his class. All the Mom's know him by name, as do the kids. We always ask him about the other kids in his class but he just shrugs off our questions as if he's too cool to talk about it. If you look at the October pictures, you can definitely see his coolness. And he knows it too!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Car Seat...

The rule for turning the car seat around used to be one year old and twenty pounds. They say to leave the baby rear facing for as long as possible now because it's just plain safer. We made it to fourteen months and twenty seven pounds with Andrew. His feet were hitting the back of the seat and it just wasn't comfortable for him anymore.

We think he likes it!

Actually he was excited about the wind that was coming in from my window. He LOVED it and had us laughing the whole way home!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Wagon...

This gift has definitely gotten it's money worth. Connor was seven months old when it was given to us and it's still going strong!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Speaking of Appendectomy's...

Last weekend was an interesting one. Keith had stomach pains starting Thursday night. It got pretty bad Friday night but he had a test for work on Saturday and he wanted to make it through that. He finally decided to go to the Emergency Room Saturday afternoon. Steph and Carl came down to watch the boys and I drove us up to the hospital. By 2:30pm the Doctor was pretty sure it was appendicitis but they needed to do a CT scan to be sure. After drinking the appropriate liquid and waiting the appropriate hour and half, they took him down to get the scan. It came back positive that he had appendicitis.
I went home to help put the boys to bed and went back to the hospital for the surgery. He was taken in around 10pm and in recovery by 10:30pm. Apparently, it was on the verge of bursting which would've been much worse with a longer recuperation time, so it was good we got in when we did. I finally got to see him in his room around midnight. He was groggy and tired but asked me to take a picture. I looked at him like he was crazy but took a couple anyway. Here they are!

We giggle every time we see them. You can too. It's ok.

Keith got out of the hospital Sunday morning and all was right in the world of the MacMillans....until Wednesday.

The emergency room was filled with people with H1N1. We haven't gotten our shots yet so I was nervous about either of us getting it and giving it to the boys. Wednesday morning Keith was supposed to go back to work but instead woke up sick. The boys had already been battling colds and ear infections so we didn't know if he had gotten something from them or from the hospital. Keith went to the clinic and they tested him for H1N1. It came back negative but because he was exhibiting a few symptoms of it he was diagnosed with it and given Tamiflu. I am Clorox-wiping EVERYTHING and washing every one's hands numerous times a day.

Keith is now feeling a little better. Connor is better and Andrew is at the tail end of it. Maybe this week will be a better week!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


The boys love their new Halloween books! They've been reading them all month!


We went to the pumpkin patch a little late this year because of everything we had going on (appendectomy's, H1N1, etc.) The boys had fun climbing all over the pumpkins.

This year we had Lightening McQueen from the movie Cars and Elmo. The boys had a blast. Connor made it around the whole neighborhood and was visibly sweating when he got back. Trick or treating is hard work!

Happy Halloween!!