Sunday, September 13, 2009

Our Camping Trip...

Ok. Technically it wasn't camping because we had a bathroom but it was as close to camping as we're willing to get with the boys this young. We stayed at a campground in the Outer Banks.

The beach was just over the dunes which was nice and convenient!
Andrew was fascinated with the air conditioner in the cabin.

The campground had a great playground and jumping pillow. Connor loved the jumping pillow!
There was also a train that was a huge hit!

The beach was a blast! The boys loved the ocean and the sand. Andrew also liked the taste of sand. At one point he was using the sand as his dipping sauce for his cracker. Yummm.

The sunsets were beautiful!

Connor and Daddy enjoyed a game of Mini Golf.

On our last night, we went out for a seafood dinner. It was delicious! Then we went back to the campground, put the boys in their PJs and headed up to the outdoor movie theater for a showing of a Lilo & Stitch. It was so much fun!

We packed everything up on Monday morning and headed off the island. We stopped at the Aquarium on the way home.

The turtles were a hit!

We had so much fun and hope to do it again real soon!

Friday, September 4, 2009


Connor's first week at his new Preschool was a success. He likes it so far! He goes three times a week for four hours. Andrew and I get some one-on-one time together on those mornings which is nice even though we miss Connor.

What a big boy!

We are off on our Labor Day camping trip in the Outer Banks. Pictures and videos to follow.

Have a great weekend everyone!