Monday, November 17, 2008

Tis the Season

Tis the season for humidifiers, tissues, fluids, and Momma's homemade chicken soup. Both boys are sick:( It's not that bad, just some runny noses and congested chests, and a few sleepless nights, so far....

Connor was up at 3am last night. He must have had a nightmare because he woke up screaming. I brought him into our bed thinking he would snuggle up to us and go back to bed. Umm, not so much...At one point, he was laying in between us as Keith and I were trying to go back to sleep. I felt a whisper of a finger flitting across my nose. Thinking it was a bug, I shooed it away only to find myself hitting away Connor's hand. I told him, No, Na-Night and tried to go back to sleep. Not 2 minutes later, I hear Keith brushing away the imaginary bug. What a bugger!!! He went back and forth between us, just touching parts of our faces, without even a hint of a smile. At the time, I was exhausted and annoyed and couldn't find the humor in the situation but as I type right now, I am laughing hysterically.

Anyway, I ended up taking him downstairs. We watched Sesame Street and LazyTown until 5:30am. Andrew was up and ready to eat by then so Keith took Connor and put him to bed and I fed Andrew and then promptly fell asleep. Yay, for flu and cold season.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is too funny. You definitely have too much time on your hands. How bout another baby?