Monday, February 9, 2009

The Parenting Book Trap...

I recently ordered a few parenting books. They all received great reviews from readers and I couldn't wait to read them. Normally Keith and I use the CS Theory when it comes to parenting or in other words the Common Sense Theory. Truthfully, I believe more parents need to use this 'Theory" but who am I to say anything? I wanted to read these parenting books to maybe take a few tips and tricks here and there but really taking it all with a grain of salt.
The book I'm currently reading is called "Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child." The gist of it is that children need to be able to master their emotions. Parents need to listen empathetically, validate a child's feelings, label the emotion and then help the child come up with a way to solve the problem. It's a very interesting book and one that I think I will be referencing a lot in the future.

So the other day, we're all in the play room and Connor starts crying for some reason. I thought to myself, this is a great time to use my 'emotion coaching!' So I say to Connor (raising my voice over the screams), "Connor, I'm so sorry you're upset. Are you frustrated? Are you disappointed?" Connor just continues screaming but now he's looking at me like I'm a little off my rocker. I say, "Connor, are you feeling sad right now? Let's find a way to make you not feel this way anymore." He continues to scream but starts backing away from me...slowly. I look over at Keith for some validation and he just rolls his eyes at me and says "Are you kidding me? Seriously Tine..."

Connor continues to scream....

Maybe I should add at this point that I'm only on chapter three in the book.

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